Resultados: 11

Implicaciones de las actividades prácticas en el Laboratorio de Habilidades y Simulación relacionadas con la motivación y los sentimientos de los estudiantes

Objetivo: verificar las implicaciones de las actividades prácticas en el Laboratorio de Habilidad y Simulación relacionadas con la motivación y los sentimientos expresados por los estudiantes universitarios cuando regresan a las actividades presenciales luego del aislamiento social ocasionado por la p...

Competences in the training of nurses to assist the airway of adult patients in urgency and emergency situations

Objective: construction and validation in appearance and content of the competence frameworks and of the Entrustable Professional Activities to develop skills in the training of nurses to assist the airway of adult patients in urgency and emergency situations. Method: a descriptive and methodological st...

Emotional recognition for simulated clinical environment using unpleasant odors: quasi-experimental study

Objective: to compare the effect of exposure to unpleasant odors in a simulated clinical environment on the emotions of undergraduate nursing students. Method: quasi-experimental study. A total of 24 nursing students participated the study, divided into two groups, 12 in the intervention group with exp...

Emotional recognition for simulated clinical environment using unpleasant odors: quasi-experimental study

Objective: to compare the effect of exposure to unpleasant odors in a simulated clinical environment on the emotions of undergraduate nursing students. Method: quasi-experimental study. A total of 24 nursing students participated the study, divided into two groups, 12 in the intervention group with exp...

Emotional recognition for simulated clinical environment using unpleasant odors: quasi-experimental study

Objective: to compare the effect of exposure to unpleasant odors in a simulated clinical environment on the emotions of undergraduate nursing students. Method: quasi-experimental study. A total of 24 nursing students participated the study, divided into two groups, 12 in the intervention group with exp...

Construction and validation of competency frameworks for the training of nurses in emergencies

ABSTRACT Objective: to build and validate competency frameworks to be developed in the training of nurses for the care of adult patients in situations of emergency with a focus on airway, breathing and circulation approach. Method: this is a descriptive and methodological study that took place in three...

Clinical simulation with dramatization: gains perceived by students and health professionals

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify in the literature the gains health students and professionals perceive when using clinical simulation with dramatization resources. Method: integrative literature review, using the method proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). A search was undertaken in the follo...

Quality of life of patients using intermittent urinary catheterization

ABSTRACT Objectives: measure and compare the quality of life of neurogenic bladder patients using intermittent urinary catheterization who were going through rehabilitation in Brazil and Portugal. Method: multicenter, quantitative, cross-sectional, observational-analytic and correlational study execute...

Validation to Portuguese of the Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning

Objective: translate and validate to Portuguese the Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning. Material and Methods: methodological translation and validation study of a research tool. After following all steps of the translation process, for the validation process, the event III Work...

Validation of the self-confidence scale of nursing care in urinary retention

Objective: to validate an instrument to measure self-confidence of nursing care in urinary retention.Methods: methodological research study, carried out after ethical approval. A Likert-like scale of 32 items related to nursing care in urinary retention was applied to students of the graduate nursing cou...